Monday, January 10, 2011

Alien attack 2011..??

Kali ni aku nak post kan lagi berita dari web ni, tapi macam mana pun aku nak bagitau yang korang kene pikirkan la sendiri sama ada nak percaya atau tidak (lagi pun sume bloggers kat malaysia ni kan pandai), hehe..^_^

Betul ke alien nak attack bumi..??
Three giant alien spaceships are heading for Earth!  Scientists predict they will arrive in early 2011.
UFO encounters continue to increase – as documented on WWN.  And today scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization,  made a major announcement:
“Three giant spaceships are heading towards Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter.  Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by early 2011,” said John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI.

Kalau nak tau lagi lanjut, klik la dekat sini

Tapi aku pun nak la bagitau yang aku pun kurang percaya sangat pada benda macam ni, tapi aku just nak share jela dengan apa yang aku jumpa, Bak kata orang sharing is caring, betul tak..^^


JR said...

Dah banyak kali dengar bermacam teori tentang hal2 semacam itu. Cuma selalu bertanya: realiti atau fantasi semua nih?

Arpiiz said...

btol2, selagi tak ade bukti yg btol2 kukuh, bnd ni akan jd lbh kpd fantasi je..

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